Disclaimer of Oral Agreements

When it comes to business agreements, it is essential to ensure that everything is in writing. This is because oral agreements are not always legally binding, and it can be difficult to prove what was agreed upon. This is where a disclaimer of oral agreements can come in handy.

What is a disclaimer of oral agreements?

A disclaimer of oral agreements is a clause that is included in a written agreement that states that any oral agreements made between the parties involved are not binding. This means that only the written agreement is legally binding, and all other agreements made verbally are not.

Why include a disclaimer of oral agreements?

Including a disclaimer of oral agreements in a written agreement can ensure that there is no confusion or misunderstanding about what was agreed upon. It also provides a level of protection for both parties, as it ensures that only what is included in the written agreement can be enforced.

Without a disclaimer of oral agreements, it can be difficult to determine what was agreed upon in a verbal conversation. This can lead to disputes and potentially costly legal battles. Including a disclaimer in the written agreement can prevent these issues from arising.

How to include a disclaimer of oral agreements

Including a disclaimer of oral agreements is relatively simple. It can be included as a clause in the written agreement, stating that all verbal agreements are not binding and that only the written agreement is enforceable.

Here`s an example of what a disclaimer of oral agreements may look like:

“This written agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. Any prior or contemporaneous oral agreements between the parties are hereby null and void and shall not be binding on either party. Only the terms of this written agreement are enforceable.”


In conclusion, including a disclaimer of oral agreements in a written agreement is essential to ensure that there is no confusion about what was agreed upon. It provides a level of protection for both parties and can prevent costly legal battles. If you are entering into a business agreement, be sure to include a disclaimer of oral agreements to protect yourself and your business.