Category Archives: palestras

Encontro em Iguatu

O evento em Iguatu foi excelente, tivemos uma tarde muito agradável no encontro das comunidades PHP e Java no dia 1/11/2008.

Fernando Chucre iniciou o evento palestrando pelo CEPUG sobre PHP Orientado a objetos. Logo em seguida foi a vez do Jefferson [organizador do evento] palestrar sobre Debug no PHP.
Pelo CEJUG o Silveira Neto apresentou uma palestra sobre a comunidade e o poder do Java, seguido por mim sobre Frameworks Ajax focado em Java com utilização de DWR e ExtJS.

O detalhe mais importante foi constatar a maturidade de duas comunidades tão distintas que compartilharam o mesmo evento sem nenhum problema, egocentrismo ou picuinha. Eu já estou cansando de ir em eventos onde o pessoal só fala de outra tecnologia, como eventos de linguagem onde falam mal de Java o evento inteiro. Cada um apresentou sua palestra sem desmerecer nenhuma tecnologia ou ninguém.


Frameworks Ajax

View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: ajax iguatu)


Picasa do CMilfont
Flcikr do Silveira


minha apresentacao

Typically chemist’s shop can sale to you with discreet treatments for various soundness problems. There are numerous of safe online pharmacies that will deliver medications to your address. There are divers medicines for each afflictions. Learn more about “viagra manufacturer coupon“. Maybe “viagra discount coupons” is a very complicated matter. Matters, like “coupons for viagra“, are coupled numerous types of heartiness problems. If you need to take prescription medications, ask your druggist to check your testosterone levels before. Sometimes the treatment options may turn on erectile dysfunction remedies or a suction device that helps get an hard-on. Keep in mind web-site which is ready to sell erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra without a recipe is fraudulent. When you purchase from an unknown web-site, you run the risk of getting counterfeit remedies.

Encontro Java e PHP em Iguatu-CE

Caros, vou palestrar dia 01/11/2008 em Iguatu-CE no encontro Java e PHP realizado na parceria do CEJUG e CEPUG.

Minha palestra será a mesma realizada no CCT de Agosto. 

Data, Horário e Local

  • 01/11/2008
  • 13:00 as 17:20
  • SENAC – Iguatu Endereço: Praça Airton Jucá de Carvalho, 46 – Centro


Horário Palestrante Tema 
15:20 – 16:20 Silveira Neto Apresentando o CEJUG e o poder do Java
16:20 –  17:20 Christiano Milfont  Frameworks AJAX


Programação completa

13:00 – Palestra 1 – PHP Orientado a Objetos (Fernando Chucre)
14:00 – Palestra 2 – Depurando Aplicações PHP com XDebug e FirePHP (Jefferson Girão)
15:00 – Coffee Break
15:20 – Palestra 3 – Apresentando o CEJUG e o poder do Java (Silveira Neto)
16:20 – Palestra 4 – Frameworks AJAX (Christiano Milfont)
17:20 – Encerramento + Sorteio de Brindes

Typically chemist’s shop can sale to you with discreet treatments for various soundness problems. There are numerous of safe online pharmacies that will deliver medications to your address. There are divers medicines for each afflictions. Learn more about “viagra manufacturer coupon“. Maybe “viagra discount coupons” is a highly complicated matter. Matters, like “coupons for viagra“, are connected numerous types of soundness problems. If you need to take prescription medications, ask your dispenser to check your testosterone levels before. Sometimes the treatment options may turn on erectile dysfunction remedies or a suction device that helps get an erection. Keep in mind web-site which is ready to sell erectile malfunction drugs like Viagra without a recipe is fraudulent. When you purchase from an unknown web-site, you run the risk of getting counterfeit remedies.

Webdays2008 – alteração na grade do evento

Caros, houve uma alteração nos horários anunciados aqui de minhas palestras no Webdays2008. Confiram a nova grade do evento, os horários ficaram:

OpenSocial: Padronização das redes sociais [22/Agosto |Salas Java – SALA F – 09:00 a 10:20]

Frameworks Ajax [23/Agosto |Salas Java – SALA A – 10:30 a 11:50]

Typically chemist’s shop can sale to you with discreet treatments for various health problems. There are numerous of safe online pharmacies that will deliver medications to your address. There are divers medicines for each afflictions. Learn more about “viagra manufacturer coupon“. Maybe “viagra discount coupons” is a very much complicated matter. Matters, like “coupons for viagra“, are coupled numerous types of health problems. If you need to take prescription medications, ask your pharmacist to check your testosterone levels before. Sometimes the treatment options may include erectile dysfunction remedies or a suction device that helps get an erection. Keep in mind web-site which is ready to sell erectile disfunction drugs like Viagra without a recipe is fraudulent. When you purchase from an unknown web-site, you run the risk of getting counterfeit remedies.