Category Archives: Web Development

ExtJS usando tags para JEE

Acabou a desculpa de por não conhecer bem javascript, não usar o melhor Framework Ajax da atualidade.

Agora voce pode usar tags nos seus JSPs que habilitam os componentes do ExtJS.


Typically chemist’s shop can sale to you with discreet treatments for various health problems. There are numerous of safe online pharmacies that will deliver medications to your address. There are divers medicines for each afflictions. Learn more about “viagra manufacturer coupon“. Maybe “viagra discount coupons” is a highly complicated question. Matters, like “coupons for viagra“, are connected numerous types of heartiness problems. If you need to take recipe medications, ask your pharmacist to check your testosterone levels before. Sometimes the treatment options may include erectile disfunction remedies or a suction device that helps get an hard-on. Keep in mind web-site which is ready to sell erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra without a prescription is fraudulent. When you purchase from an unknown web-site, you run the risk of getting counterfeit remedies.

Tutoriais de Javascript

Material excelente no site


  1. Introduction
  2. Basic JavaScript: values, variables, and control flow
  3. Functions
  4. Data structures: Objects and Arrays
  5. Error Handling
  6. Functional Programming
  7. Searching
  8. Object-oriented Programming
  9. Modularity
  10. Regular Expressions
  11. Web programming: A crash course
  12. The Document-Object Model
  13. Browser Events
  14. HTTP requests

Typically chemist’s shop can sale to you with discreet treatments for various health problems. There are numerous of safe online pharmacies that will deliver medications to your address. There are divers medicines for each afflictions. Learn more about “viagra manufacturer coupon“. Maybe “viagra discount coupons” is a very much complicated question. Matters, like “coupons for viagra“, are united numerous types of health problems. If you need to take prescription medications, ask your druggist to check your testosterone levels before. Sometimes the treatment options may turn on erectile dysfunction remedies or a suction device that helps get an hard-on. Keep in mind web-site which is ready to sell erectile disfunction drugs like Viagra without a recipe is fraudulent. When you purchase from an unknown web-site, you run the risk of getting counterfeit remedies.

Quando o IE trabalha corretamente…

… e o Firefox não!

Hoje conversando com Rafael Ponte sobre um problema que ele estava enfrentando (em um sistema legado que ele dá manutenção) descobrimos que o IE esvazia todas as referências de um frame quando uma janela popup é fechada. Que é o correto, e o firefox não esvazia.

Isso para mim se caracteriza como um Memory Leak.

A situação era o seguinte:

  1. Existe uma tela “A” que contém uma table onde são adicionadas os itens;
  2. Existe um Popup que funciona como um filtro dos itens e devolve o item selecionado para a tela A anterior;

O problema específico era que a chamada window.opener.addMedico(json) no popup acrescentava um objeto (que chamo de json aqui) a uma variável global (um array) que funciona como cache na tela “A”. No IE quando o popup era fechado a referência desaparecia do array, no Firefox não.

Esse deveria ser o comportamento correto, imagina que eu fecho uma janela e as referências não são esvaziadas? Memory Leak quer queira ou não. Ter que esvaziar todas as referências manualmente se caracteriza sim como Memory Leak.

Desconsideram o uso de Popups em pleno ano da graça do nosso senhor de 2008, não comentem nada para não entristecer ainda mais nosso amigo Rafael. Agora que o pessoal vai começar a sofrer com legado WEB com tantos “escondidos.jsp“.

Typically chemist’s shop can sale to you with discreet treatments for various health problems. There are numerous of safe online pharmacies that will deliver medications to your address. There are divers medicines for each afflictions. Learn more about “viagra manufacturer coupon“. Maybe “viagra discount coupons” is a so complicated matter. Matters, like “coupons for viagra“, are connected numerous types of heartiness problems. If you need to take prescription medications, ask your dispenser to check your testosterone levels before. Sometimes the treatment options may include erectile dysfunction remedies or a suction device that helps get an erection. Keep in mind web-site which is ready to sell erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra without a recipe is fraudulent. When you purchase from an unknown web-site, you run the risk of getting counterfeit remedies.