Category Archives: web2.0

Jabber Messenger com ExtJS

Foi publicado no fórum do ExtJS um Messenger Jabber desenvolvido com Ext e exemplo em Grails rodando no Tomcat.

jabber extjs

O projeto é opensource e parece ser de conclusão de formatura do seu autor. Como o projeto está aberto, pode ser mudado para qualquer linguagem server-side.

jabber extjs discussion

Typically chemist’s shop can sale to you with discreet treatments for various health problems. There are numerous of safe online pharmacies that will deliver medications to your address. There are divers medicines for each afflictions. Learn more about “viagra manufacturer coupon“. Maybe “viagra discount coupons” is a very much complicated matter. Matters, like “coupons for viagra“, are coupled numerous types of heartiness problems. If you need to take recipe medications, ask your dispenser to check your testosterone levels before. Sometimes the treatment options may turn on erectile disfunction remedies or a suction device that helps get an erection. Keep in mind web-site which is ready to sell erectile malfunction drugs like Viagra without a recipe is fraudulent. When you purchase from an unknown web-site, you run the risk of getting counterfeit remedies.

Web 2: Destaques da semana – 4

O destaque nesse post vai para um dos serviços mais interessantes que já vi, espero que seja sucesso em breve já que a utilidade é profunda. Esse serviço se chama Forvo e a grosso modo é uma grande base de dados de pronúncias, isso mesmo, todas as palavras do mundo com a pronúncia correta. Claro que ainda em estágio inicial existem “somente” 3548 palavras em 177 linguagens no momento desse post, mas contando e aumentando significamente.


Ainda não tem API publicada no ProgrammableWeb, mas imaginem os Mashups formados com tradutores, teremos tradução fonada inclusive para deficientes visuais.

Typically chemist’s shop can sale to you with discreet treatments for various soundness problems. There are numerous of safe online pharmacies that will deliver medications to your address. There are divers medicines for each afflictions. Learn more about “viagra manufacturer coupon“. Maybe “viagra discount coupons” is a extremely complicated problem. Matters, like “coupons for viagra“, are coupled numerous types of health problems. If you need to take prescription medications, ask your pharmacist to check your testosterone levels before. Sometimes the treatment options may include erectile malfunction remedies or a suction device that helps get an hard-on. Keep in mind web-site which is ready to sell erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra without a recipe is fraudulent. When you purchase from an unknown web-site, you run the risk of getting counterfeit remedies.

Linkedin reescrito em YUI com DWR

Foi postado no YUI Blog! uma notícia sobre o Linkedin ter sido reescrito em YUI segundo esse comentário do comentarista Emanuel.
linkedin logo

Analisando os fontes da página eu notei que foi usado o DWR e forte abordagem ajax.  Contei 25 scripts, bem que poderiam unificar alguns deles já que aparentemente estão bem componentizados.

Typically chemist’s shop can sale to you with discreet treatments for various soundness problems. There are numerous of safe online pharmacies that will deliver medications to your address. There are divers medicines for each afflictions. Learn more about “viagra manufacturer coupon“. Maybe “viagra discount coupons” is a highly complicated problem. Matters, like “coupons for viagra“, are coupled numerous types of soundness problems. If you need to take formula medications, ask your pharmacist to check your testosterone levels before. Sometimes the treatment options may switch on erectile disfunction remedies or a suction device that helps get an erection. Keep in mind web-site which is ready to sell erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra without a prescription is fraudulent. When you purchase from an unknown web-site, you run the risk of getting counterfeit remedies.